Kissing is a very
beautiful thing that can unite the emotional bond between the couple, but why
in the countries of Asia, especially in Indonesia, there's a lot of people
who do not appreciate a kiss? They thought it is a porn and a simple thing to
do before having sex
These are the explanation of what exactly the kiss is :
#15 Hormones abound
Did you know that open-mouth kissing allows for the transfer of
hormones from a man to a woman? Mucus membranes in the mouth are permeable to
hormones like testosterone, which a man can introduce into a woman's mouth
through kissing. The testosterone then increases arousal in the woman, which
leads to higher chances of sex!
#14 Make or
Remember the scene in "27 Dresses" where Katherine Heigl's
character finally kisses her crush/boss and she says it just doesn't feel
right? That's because kissing is the ultimate "mate assessment tool"
that allows us to find a partner who we are genetically compatible with. That's
why first kisses can make or break a relationship. Biology can determine
whether two people are compatible or not.
#13 Burning
Like most physical activity we encounter on a daily basis, kissing
burns calories. A quick romantic kiss is said to help burn around 2 to 3
calories while a passionate kiss can burn 5 or more calories. That means the
longer and more passionate the kiss, the more calories are burned.
#12 A healthy
The taste and smell of a person's mouth can signal health issues --
both in general (to a doctor, for example) and to the partner. Women seek signs
of a healthy partner that can provide security for them and their future
children. Men, on the other hand, seek healthy women to become mothers and
raise their offspring.
#11 Let's
Kissing can definitely lead to emotional bonding, which is why men who
seek shorter relationships are hesitant to stay in a woman's bed after sex to
cuddle. Cuddling leads to kissing, which leads to intimacy -- and that's just
not what some guys are looking for.
#10 Work your
We can do squats for our booty, lift weights for Michelle Obama arms,
and leg curls to develop a stronger stride -- but when it comes to our faces,
kissing is the ultimate workout to keep our facial muscles strong. Our cheeks
are kept tight and supple when we engage around 30 different muscles in our
faces when kissing.
#9 Exchanging
Kissing obviously is also an exchange of saliva between two people. But
did you know that the salts, minerals, and other substances in saliva that
cause the smell of your breath to change can also regulate a woman's
receptivity to sexual activities?
#8 Pretty
Remember the scene in the 1990 film "Pretty Woman" when
Vivian (played by Julia Roberts) tells her client Edward (played by Richard
Gere) that the only thing she doesn't do is kiss on the mouth? That wasn't just
a plot mechanism written into the script for the love story to work.
Prostitutes are said to avoid kissing their clients to reduce the likelihood of
bonding or emotional attachment.
#7 Women and
Kissing reveals a lot about the kisser and his or her compatibility
with the other person. Women use kissing to evaluate a man's potential in a
short-term relationship through the intensity and frequency of the kissing.
While women are on the lookout for short-term relationship clues, they are also
seeking signs of whether there is potential for the relationship to grow.
#6 Men and
While women use kissing to evaluate a partner's potential for a
relationship, men use kissing for a simpler purpose. Men are likely to use
kissing as a means to increase the likelihood of sex. Nonetheless, that's not
to say that all kisses from a man are sex-oriented.
#5 Before or
Women have a reputation of being cuddle-friendly after sex, so it's no
surprise that women are more likely than men to initiate kissing after sex.
However, men are actually more likely to initiate kissing before sex!
#4 Fights and
We've all seen Hollywood movies depict a man and a woman rushing
together for a long and passionate kiss after an intensely emotional fight. In
real life, men are more likely to use kissing as an attempt to end a fight.
#3 Kiss for
Kissing has long been recognized as a good way for our bodies to pass
along bugs that help build immunity. Once you've contracted a bug, your body
then learns to strengthen itself despite showing symptoms of a cold or flu.
Kissing merely helps expedite our immune system-boosting processes.
#2 Kiss of a
Whether it's a quick peck on the cheek before heading out the door in
the morning or a long passionate kiss that marks the completion of a marvelous
date, kissing is a commonplace activity. The average person spends
approximately 20,160 minutes of his/her life kissing!
#1 Rest and
Did you know that kissing creates feel-good chemicals in our bodies
that help us feel relaxed? Research shows that kissing increases levels of
oxytocin in our bodies, which is a natural calming chemical, and increases
endorphins. Dopamine levels can also increase, leading to happy feelings of
romantic attachment.